Clean Sharm NovemberAn illegal dump site was discovered within the boundaries of the St. Catherine National Park, in an exceptional beautiful enclosure close to the Dahab road. What makes that even worse: These tons of garbage come exclusively from the airport!

The Government set up strict environmental laws, which forbid illegal dumping and special laws to protect the National Parks. And a garbage disposal company working for a governmental institution is dumping wild, just to get it done cheap? That cannot be true… Unfortunately it is, as these pictures proof.

The whole ‘raison d’être’ of the airport is the tourism, and tourists come because of our precious and unique environment. Spoiling it means destroying the source of income of nearly everybody in South Sinai.
That whole pile consists mainly of catering leftovers: 1000nds of empty plastic trays and food leftovers….

While Clean Sharm members, called to the scene by a phone call from a Bedouin, made photos from the dump, a truck came and unloaded more trash. That was actually good luck, as CleanSharm got a license number and thus a solid proof. Plus the kind of garbage proofs 100% that it comes from the airport, as one can easily see… This is an intentional criminal act by the company responsible for the dumping, and CleanSharm can only hope that it gets treated as that!

We called General Ahmed Saleh, Sharm’s mayor with these news and he asked us immediately to come and bring the photos as much needed proof. He said that he already had suspicions about that company, but that he was until now not able to proof that they violate the law.

Coming from Sharm, 14km behind the check point, a barrel marks the entry to the dump site.
Even kilometers before the dump, airport trash is littering the desert, fallen off the simple trucks, which are not at all equipped to transport garbage….

Now that there is proof (General Ahmed got a CD with many more pictures) CleanSharm hopes that this company will be heavily fined, the dump cleaned, and that the airport employ from now legal and proper operating companies.
However – Trust, but verify…..: CleanSharm will follow up on this, watch this space…. Or go and check yourself: Coming from Sharm, exacty 14km behind the check point, you will find a barrel at the left side of the street, marking an offroad track (easy to drive on with every car). Follow this track, always keeping to the left, when the track splits, and after app. 500m you will reach the dump site…..


Source: CleanSharm