Ingredients (for app. 65 cookies):
250 gr butter, soft
80 gr sugar
50 gr powdered sugar (put normal sugar in a blender)
1 packet vanillin sugar
125 gr Almonds, finely blended
400 gr flour
3 tb sugar for the coating


Put sugar, powdered sugar and vanillin sugar in a bowl and whip until frothy.
Mix the flour and the pulverized almonds together and add to the butter mixture.
Form the dough do rolls as thick as your thumb, wrap in foil and put in the fridge for one hour.

After one hour remove the foil and cut 1 cm thick slices from the roll of dough, and put them on a greased backing tray.
Preheat the oven to 150 centigrade and let the cookies back for 20 minutes.
Put the 2 tb sugar on a plate and press the hot cookies in, so they get sugar coated