You are responding to Ad: Marketing representative via internet-مسئول تسويق عبر الانترنت
Realestate Company at sharm elshiekh is seeking for hiring Marketing representative via internet who will be responsible of designing, publishing and following up the internet advertisements on the social websites or other sites as well, Part time job. Job requirements: - Candidate should have an experience more than three years in the same field. - Good English (writing, reading and speaking) - Microsoft Office skills is a must. - Computer skills is a must. Please send C.V, qualifications and phone No. to emails: [Details removed by SW] and [Details removed by SW] شركة استثمار عقارى في شرم الشيخ تسعى لتوظيف "مندوب تسويق عبر الإنترنت" والذي سيكون مسؤولا عن ت
Contact Name: Mr. Ismail zaid
Reply To Ad was last modified: March 19th, 2015 by SharmWomen